Cheryl Stroud, PhD, DVM
Dr. Stroud is a preeminent leader in One Health, working as the Executive Director of the One Health Commission and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine. Over the arch of her career, she has had experience in industry, academic research and teaching, private veterinary practice, and One Health. After completing her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Mississippi State University, she briefly practiced veterinary medicine, then completed a Masters and PhD in Endocrine Physiology at North Carolina State University, followed by basic research at Pennsylvania State University studying prolactin and growth hormones in sheep and cows, as well as reproductive hormones in populations of women.
Since becoming Executive Director of the One Health Commission (OHC) late in 2013, the OHC has been identifying and connecting One Health stakeholders around the world by leading International Who’s Who in One Health webinars (2014 and 2016) and creating a Who’s Who in One Health web resource and maps and by sharing a One Health Happenings newsletter to a Global One Health Community listserv of over 17,000. In 2016, the OHC spearheaded creation of an annual global One Health Day that is now officially celebrated every year on November 3. The OHC also leads a global One Health Awareness Month campaign each January, providing One Health resources for stakeholders to use when teaching about One Health. An overview of the Commission’s work can be reviewed here.